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couldn't very well travel alone, and often had to wait till I found some one going my road. It was in this way, while I was looking out .

he replied; "to confess the truth, I should not expect you to do so willingly, and I would myself rather not be asked to do such a thin .

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n England, but as I did not know a word of the Mandingo language, I was not much the wiser for it. When it was concluded, her Chancellor .

ldn't like that, and I shouldn't like it. That wouldn't do." "Hale, strong--life arrested by that sudden accident," said the doctor, as .

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no doubt, true to a certain extent. No man knew better than he the importance of making the most of opportunities for dramatic and sens .

mente, e loro correndo incontro: --Signore, disse rivolta a Bonnivet, se voi siete venuto per esaudire la mia domanda io vi benedico. Fa .

e light of the moon. As they stopped, Mr. Castlemaine and Signor Ricordo came up. "I am enjoying your wonderful scenery, Mr. Castlemaine .

Rest its due, they do things very well there." "Thank you," said Olive, with a laugh. "I am always pleased when I give my customers sat .

e faltered. "It's over some love affair, and the scoundrel has been caught." "What?" "Yes; that's it," cried Salis joyously. "I don't kn .

h, still too much to do in attempting to preserve our own lives, to allow us to think much of others. It would be assuming to be above h .

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any need for this?" said Leo sharply. "There, if you wish to know, I have been to Candlish Hall. Sir Thomas is forbidden this house, so .

ciarono negli animi degli ascoltatori un'oscillazione ancora più grave di quella che avesse lasciato il canto d'Olimpia. Quando la gros .

p with old bread, which is never used except for feeding young bees. A greater quantity of this bread is stored up yearly than is used b .

l pensiero di condurre con noi que' venti o trenta che han moglie, figli e famiglia. Qui m'accorgo che ci converrà fare il sagrificio d .

onourable man would think of doing, Anna. I shall make you my wife at once," I cried. Her amazement was a sheer delight. It was so compl .

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