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ting and distracting. At the close of a lecture given a few years ago in a town in Maine, the lecturer--who was a state superintendent o .

d be atrocious." His daughter gave the doctor a certain kind of scientific interest. She harked back, so to speak, to former generations .

asleep, and bitterness, or the spirit of spitefulness come creeping stealthily to the surface. We can, if we will, be intellectually ho .

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mar life for her any more. She wanted to work--nothing else. She paused, and in the pause the dining-room door opened and Eleanor came i .

too many occasions the Spaniards had set them an example they were likely to imitate. I took my food each day with Manco on a hill overl .

that purpose. He takes the lime out the gourd with a thin slip of damped wood, and conveys what adheres to it to his mouth. The operati .

ng away at their cords. "Your mother and sisters, my lad, must not be forgotten," he muttered; "but stay, I will help you." As he said t .

the meaning of the stern aspect of his countenance. "I had hoped, Leo," he said, "that you would have accepted my decision about that to .

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nt condition. His first question was about the Thorne case. "Are you anxious about it?" said his mother. "Not a bit. They can't reverse .

not tell you," replied Winfield. "It is a matter of six years ago now, and the man is dead." "Dead, eh? Who was he?" "A fellow by the na .

leasure, "Heaven bless you both! I am glad: but--er--the fact is, I have been betrayed into asking Mrs Berens--er--to--" "Dear, dear Mar .

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