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ed not to venture across it. The only course left us was, therefore, directly ahead. "I am sorry we left the rock," said I, as we hurrie .

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da altri, ch'egli è impossibile che non ne sia trapelato nulla in Milano... a quest'ora la figlia stessa del Bentivoglio troverà bene .

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, the light of purpose was in his eyes, although, had a close observer seen him, that observer would have said that there was also much .

al meno, a galla di tutti gli altri, e quasi sempre la gentile e mesta immagine di lei aveva fatta la prima figura, tra quel vortice de .

. An Indian occupies the greater part of a year in making his canoe: we calculated that we could do the work, with the aid of our iron t banner design template w," I said with a smile. "You always did think me a rotter." "Do you mean that you've risked coming here merely because of--of what moth .

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epend the issues of my life. Am I to be lifted into paradise, or am I to be cast away into outer darkness?" Olive was silent for a momen .

upied herself, day and night, with the team, more and more as September drew to a close. For she knew that with the approaching expirati .

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citedly. That roused me effectually. My waistcoat was smouldering and I plunged my hand into the pocket and discovered the reason. In my .

a shout, different from any I had before heard, reached my ears. "Los Indios, los Indios!--the Indians, the Indians!" cried the brigand .

minx!--is along with my Tom." "Ay, but how, lass, how?" "I'll tell you, gran'fa," whispered Dally vindictively. "Master ordered Squire .

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the fair-haired children of the North; and from the love and respect with which they regarded us, I believe they associated us in their .

uces malaria, and by the effectual measures taken for its destruction. Here again is a chapter in human achievement for which it would b .

what's the matter. I'll have more to say to you whed we're in London, you mark that, my man." I didn't give him any cheek, much as I wo .

h the Indians in the first place directed their efforts, undaunted by the fire of the Spaniards, they brought up a sort of battering-ram .

people about it? I'm sure you are not, for you were so very good to me when last I was in England." Now all this took place in her priv .

dn't say I wasn't one." He made a peculiar flourish with his left hand which was one of the membership signs of a secret society among t .

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