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rai di morire. Nè il sapere ch'ella fra poco sarebbe stata in Milano, vedi bene che speranze poteva darmi, giacchè non v'era una ragio .

oman has the same advantage only that the handsome man possesses--she draws attention to herself at once. If she has nothing but her bea .

lectures on the management of the parish had arrived; and it was only by Mary's special request that a sharp retort had not been sent ba .

ce of certain mineral food-constituents, such as phosphates, and a certain amount of alkalinity. It consequently takes place to the leas .

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he had done, when he read that which he had written, made a slight alteration or two, and then carefully folded and placed the papers in .

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." I described it from my point of view; making much of my profound astonishment and my inability to say whether the story was true or n .

lei, ne era sorto ardentissimo il desiderio; desiderio ch'ella non sarebbesi indotta a manifestar mai, perchè le parea cosa al tutto im .

I were you, Salis, I'd keep a sharp look-out on the girl." "Yes, of course!" said the curate impatiently. "But you heard what I said abo .

What was my surprise to see the cliffs on either side of the road, and which I had thought inaccessible, swarming with Indians, mostly d .

y in which this decomposition of carbonic acid gas is effected by the leaves is not yet clear. It seems to be directly dependent, in som .

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line, and he knew it, yet he did not think, at that time, of a way in which he could make them feel what he felt. His pride forbade him .

d of which, with some Indian corn bread, we made a very fair meal. In an hour more we reached the edge of the _Alto_, or high plain, ove .

l'animo suo era tale, da non permetterle d'aver più una sensazione del mondo esterno. D'improvviso rallentò il passo, pareva fosse inc .

tra domanda, continuava il Morone. Sapete voi chi si è maneggiato in tutto questo tempo, affinchè il Baglione fosse tratto a Roma, e a .

in the laugh, combing his tousled red beard with his filthy fingers. "Well, how much then?" "Oh, a couple of marks or so." He threw up .

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