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en you arrived here the Countess von Rebling recognized you as her nephew.--Were you at G"ottingen?" he asked so suddenly that I only es .

oubt that was about the condition of things in that Ellendorf nest. Rather a pity I couldn't be present, perhaps. But it didn't seem wor .

me an idea. It was the army authority to the firm at Ellendorf to deliver the bus to him. A veritable gift from the gods! That was the s .

i sa per qual causa, ingrata, perchè, sebbene volesse dissimulare, pure gli scappò detto: --Basta così, De-Forses, basta, volevo qual .

n are worse than useless. I'll send on my housekeeper." "But you are not going?" cried Salis, with the look of alarm so commonly directe .

as another unpleasant surprise. Fischer arrived bringing the farmer Glocken whose motor I had mended at Osnabrück. If there was one man .

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Miss Nessa Caldicott." She had been holding the door half open and now closed it and sat in the chair I had placed in readiness, and I s .

vare i suoi concittadini. Furono però dubbi, pensieri e determinazioni di breve durata; e infine pensò che se più d'una volta la fort .

ando sempre più, fino al punto che attraversando lo spessore delle imposte rivestite di ferro, ridestò gli echi delle v^olte, ed orrib .

hich invariably supported each other. Their eyes met when they had triumphantly doubled their opponents' bids; they smiled at each other .

ove, miss, for I'm beginning to think I should like my supper?" She was down on the road herself by this time, and pretty enough she loo .

non che il Palavicino lo pregava a non lasciarlo, e per trattenerlo, gli diceva avergli a manifestare cosa di grave importanza; così p .

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, I thought you wanted it for yourself," he said slily. I burst out laughing and turned again as if to go away. "Good-day, my friend. Th .

street at once to the railroad station, although their train would not start for some time; she wanted to get away from the menace of th .

ed to hear what he had to say. "Ah well, then, let me be communicative," said Ricordo. "I said I had never married because I was afraid. .

n prayin' for 'ee, do 'ee, sur?" "Yes, pray for me, I need it," he said. "Thank you very much for the tea, and, by the way, I want you t .

tempi che Giulio, infervorato di ricuperare e farsi padrone della Mirandola, richiese l'aiuto de' principali patrizi romani, e il duca .

r hours. As the evening wore on, Joe Chegg came sauntering by, and then returned, so as to get a casual glance in at the window. Then he .

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