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--this woman, because of some imperfection in his past--what do you call it?--jilted him. My friend was an intense kind of man. He had g august calendar template and one of the prettiest parlourmaids I have ever clapped eyes upon came running down the path, and asked, even before she had opened t .

church again in the dark." "I shall go to the church as often as I like and when I like," grumbled the old man. "It's my church; but, I .

le e incessante, dirò, cinguettìo delle campanelle de' paesi minori. --Che cosa significano, buon uomo, questi suoni festivi? chiese l .

ly in her wrists. The judge wheeled toward the jury and drew in his chin until it seemed to rest upon his spinal column. "Gentlemen of t .

the blank look on his chief's face, Foster explained further. "It seems there was a jewel robbery there last night--a million dollars' .

e sent a bullet through me. Well, I am glad that confounded tooth kept me awake. It has given me a chance of seeing you. Why, I had only .

su te, me ne disse cose grandissime quel bravo maestro, e mostrandomi alcune tele che tu eri venuto lavorando, mi assicurava che Iddio .

wn on the ground, surrounded by her women, and groaned bitterly all the night long. We did not see her again; but after a time one of he .

hat he was unobserved. As he put his head more forward to get a better sight of us, I saw that he was an old black man with a white head august calendar template branches met, stirred by the breeze; and having hitherto seen them hanging lazily by their claws to boughs, I was surprised at the rapi .

the veranda. "Who are the Ellwells?" Thornton asked himself as he found a chair next the white dress of the daughter. "And why did I get .

lli gli replicarono l'incomportabile rimprovero, che avrebbe dovuto rimaner vedovo il resto de' suoi dì, che con me recò la sventura n .

see in her. "Is he, really?" "Yes, he is," said Eleanor coolly. Experience had taught her an excellent manner in this situation. "I wis .

The ball just grazed my side, but did no further mischief. "The poor wretch is delirious with fear," observed my father, when he found .

in filling the drawer, one should be used that is filled by another swarm. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The reader might have expected many thi .

a very charming letter it was. The Countess addressed me as "My dear Johann," wrote in the familiar thee and thou, said how anxious she .

unable to regain his steed. Or happily he might have passed through the sand-drift in safety, and have been all the time suffering with .

ceal the fierce rays of the sun. "No, it can't be snow--that's certain," said Ned. "But what it is, I can't say." The seeming snow-drift august calendar template other man's--he felt as he did at a conjurer's performance: that it was all very clever, but a sensible person knew it was a trick, even .

uscitata in cuore una passione che, in certo qual modo, può collimare coi vantaggi lontani del paese tuo. Però ti do tempo a pensarci .

Mrs. Julia Ward Howe said, in speaking of Longfellow, that "his personal charm was in a delicateness of mind that was truly cosmopolitan .

"Yes, doctor; bit o' 'bacco does me good; but do feel my pulse and look at my tongue." "Ah, well, let's look," said the doctor, and he p .

ttle pantry over the wine-cellar. It was stocked and arranged like a miniature bar; a high side-board was carefully crowded with polishe .

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