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tley Salis' note was very brief, but none the less urgent, containing as it did these words: "For Heaven's sake, come on! Leo has had a .

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a way that, to say the least, did not encourage them. When he happened to meet Olive Castlemaine, he was interested, eager, and sometim .

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ther side of the broad landing, he rushed forward, literally hurling himself at the door, which flew open with a crash. The light carrie .

Dally Watlock, the young lady who had made a very deep impression, and was now causing the young man great uneasiness of spirit. Joe Ch .

osperous and respectable firms in London. She lived with her father in one of those fine old houses, surrounded by a large tract of park .

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about it till the time comes. I think it's splendid of you to want to stick it, but it's better to tell you;" and we let the matter dro .

Olive," he said. "Do you know what I've been thinking about all the morning?" The girl was silent. "I am sure it's right," he said, "Go .

d temper may be, and often is, an affliction to be sympathized with, not an offence to be punished." _Once A Week._ * * * * * There are .

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