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first published--viz., that of Jethro Tull. The chief value of Tull's contribution to the subject of agricultural science was, that he e .

ese various estimations, no doubt largely due to the difference in the circumstances under which the investigations were carried out. Mr .

, repeated as if she had got it up much as she would have studied her part in a play. She was not very perfect in it, and there were jus .

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dear," continued her visitor, taking her look as a question; "nothing of the kind. I should have smelt him directly. He kissed me. He h .

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pily, I could do nothing, and what I would have done the police forbade me to do, for there were three of them in the room before five m .

rli, per la Valle d'Intelvi, sul territorio svizzero, il quale è a poche miglia di qui, che in tal modo, finchè si aspetta, si è in l .

ught out the greatest victory in history. I can only refer to three subjects which illustrate and lead up to the question which is in th .

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issimi effetti, non di tutti però; e in quanto a' lontani e a' non necessari, essi si sarebbero potuti stornare, se i patrizi non avess .

uch the crowd that impressed me, however, or the row they kicked up, as the fact that the police didn't interfere. In my experience, a c .

are two or three matters which require my immediate attention. You see--well, I came away somewhat suddenly, you know." He was sorry he .

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